Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Batman's Pal, Dick Grayson

After getting a heads-up from friend-of-the-blog Jason Newhouse about director Chris Nolan's plans to shoot part of The Dark Knight in IMAX - read about it here - my mind free associated a short distance to this "little" fan film/trailer that was produced a couple years back. Yes, some of it's a bit goofy and, yes, even Green Lantern makes an appearance. And, yes, I'm sure plenty of you have already seen it. But, I still feel that it shows that some really nice and inventive stuff can be done on a minimal budget. Inspiring and entertaining.


Avagadro said...

I remember this one.
I don't care if it is a mock up... the whole thing is enough to make a comic book geeks mouth water.

JeremySaliba said...

heheh, nice video. i haven't seen it before. i'll never be able to condone robin's costume-the poor little guy always looks stupid imo. that being said, at least these film makers understand that the joker's SKIN is white, and that it's not make -up......something i'm not sure nolan gets.